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  3. Styles and Periods Facet
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  5. [styles, periods, and cultures by region]
  6. Asian
  7. Southeast Asian
  8. Indonesian (culture or style)
  9. [Indonesian regional styles and periods]
  10. Javanese (culture or style)
  11. East Javanese
  12. East Javanese periods
  13. Mataram
Scope note
Refers to the period of the Mataram kingdom from the seventh to the tenth century. The styles of this period are driven by religious ideological struggles between the Shaivite Sanjaya dynasty and the Mahayana Buddhist dynasty of the Shailendras, which resulted in sweeping building programs of Hindu candis and Buddhist temples throughout the Javanese region. Later, the resurgence of indigenous ancestor and spirit cults that flourished alongside Shaivism resulted in synthesized styles that incorporated Buddhist, Hindu, and indigenous elements into textile production, weapon design, manuscript panting, and calligraphy.
Accepted term: 10-Jun-2024