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  5. [styles, periods, and cultures by region]
  6. Early Western World
  7. Mediterranean (Early Western World)
  8. Aegean
  9. Aegean styles
  10. Aegean pottery styles
  11. Greek pottery styles
  12. Central Italian Greek pottery styles
  13. Caeretan
Scope note
Refers to a very distinctive style of Black-figure pottery, most of which comprises hydriai dating from around 530 BCE to around 500 BCE, found in Etruria, and very probably made at Caere (modern Cerveteri, near Rome, Italy). The drawing style is of very high quality, the painting style is remarkably colorful, and the form and decoration of the hydriai differ from contemporary examples produced elsewhere in the Greek world. Decoration typically includes lotus, ivy wreaths, palmette friezes, and mythological scenes.
Accepted term: 09-Sep-2024