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  3. Styles and Periods Facet
  4. Styles and Periods (hierarchy name)
  5. [styles, periods, and cultures by region]
  6. European
  7. Medieval styles and periods
  8. Medieval (European)
  9. Medieval regional styles
  10. Migration period styles
  11. Germanic (Migration Migration culture or period)
  12. Gothic (Migration culture or period)
  13. Ostrogothic
Scope note
Refers to the style and period associated with the Ostrogoths, a division of the Germanic Goths who apparently crossed the Baltic from Scandinavia in the fourth century BCE, settled in south Russia in the first century BCE, and moved down through Hungary, Austria, Yugoslavia, and into Italy under Theoderic the Great in the fifth century CE. The styles of Ostrogothic art through the years combine decorative motifs developed on weapons and personal ornaments with elements from classical Rome and Byzantine art.
Accepted term: 22-Apr-2024