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  13. jiǎozhù
Scope note
Jiaozhu is a broad term referring to any pillar placed at the corner of a building. Usually, corner pillars refer to eaves pillars located at the corners of a timber frame structure. In Chapter 5 of the Yingzao fashi (1103), corner pillars are discussed in conjunction with pingzhu 平柱 (leveling pillars) in calculations of the changes in height necessary to achieve the appropriate upward curvature of the eaves toward the corners. In the Song dynasty Yingzao fashi as well as the Qing dynasty Digong zuofa and Gongcheng zuofa (1734), the term can also refer to short pillars located at the corners of a foundation (taiji 台基), which were usually made of stone.
Accepted term: 27-May-2024