yeshivas (buildings)

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  4. Built Environment (hierarchy name)
  5. Single Built Works (hierarchy name)
  6. single built works (built environment)
  7. [single built works by specific type]
  8. [single built works by function]
  9. institutional buildings
  10. academic buildings
  11. schools (buildings)
  12. [school buildings by subject]
  13. yeshivas
Scope note
Buildings that house either Hebrew-English day schools providing both secular and religious instruction, usually operated under Orthodox Jewish auspices, or for schools providing training in Talmudic law and which may ordain rabbis. For educational facilities specifically devoted to the training of rabbis, use "rabbinical seminaries." For buildings that house day schools operated under Reform or Conservative Jewish auspices, use "Hebrew schools."
Accepted term: 22-Apr-2024