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  3. Objects Facet
  4. Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)
  5. Furnishings (hierarchy name)
  6. furnishings (works)
  7. [furnishings by form or function]
  8. coverings and hangings
  9. [coverings and hangings by specific type]
  10. [coverings and hangings by location or context]
  11. [coverings and hangings for furniture]
  12. furnishing covers
  13. coverings for soft furnishings
  14. pillow covers
  15. pillowcases
Scope note
Sacklike removable and washable coverings for pillows, often matching bolster cases and sheets. For decorative coverings enclosing or laid over pillows use "pillow shams."
Accepted term: 27-Jan-2025