muffineers (casters)

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  6. containers (receptacles)
  7. [containers by function or context]
  8. culinary containers
  9. [containers for serving and consuming food]
  10. [vessels for serving and consuming food]
  11. condiment vessels
  12. casters (vessels)
  13. sugar casters
  14. muffineers
Scope note
Small casters intended primarily for sprinkling sugar, cinnamon, or other spices on hot muffins. They are typically historical objects. They may be part of a set with a small milk or cream pitcher designed to be set at table or on a breakfast tray when muffins are served, but they are usually not part of a larger set of casters in a special tray used at the formal dining table. They may be of cylindrical or baluster shape, or squatter, and made of metal, glass, or porcelain.
Accepted term: 02-Sep-2024