Late Corinthian

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  6. Early Western World
  7. Mediterranean (Early Western World)
  8. Aegean
  9. Aegean styles
  10. Aegean pottery styles
  11. Greek pottery styles
  12. Peloponnesian pottery styles
  13. Corinthian (pottery style)
  14. Late Corinthian
Scope note
Refers to the late phase of Corinthian pottery style, dating from around 575 BCE to around 425 BCE, after which Corinth was no longer a major exporter of pottery. It is characterized by continued mass production and repetitive designs with little detail, as well as innovative work created with apparent care. Painting on these vessels typically includes elaborate ornaments arranged in formal patterns, a lively animation of design, and animals with attenuated proportions. During this phase animal scenes were gradually replaced by more scenes of human figures.
Late Corinthian
Accepted term: 09-Sep-2024