Citrus bergamia (species)

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  7. Plantae (kingdom)
  8. Angiospermae (division)
  9. Magnoliopsida (class)
  10. Rosanae (superorder)
  11. Sapindales (order)
  12. Rutaceae (family)
  13. Citrus (genus)
  14. Citrus bergamia
Scope note
Tree that produces a type of sour orange; it is a hybrid grown in the Mediterranean region, chiefly in Calabria, Italia, Citrus bergamia is most probably a hybrid between sour orange (C. aurantium L.) and lemon (C. limon (L.) Burm.f.), or a mutation of the latter. Common Bergamot is commercially cultivated for the essential oil derived from the rind, the fruit itself is not eaten. The oil is used in the production of perfumes and confectionery.
Citrus bergamia
Accepted term: 17-Feb-2025