bells (idiophones)

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  4. Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)
  5. Sound Devices (hierarchy name)
  6. sound devices (equipment)
  7. [sound devices by acoustical characteristics]
  8. idiophones
  9. struck idiophones
  10. directly struck idiophones
  11. percussion idiophones
  12. percussion idiophones: hollow-bodied
  13. [bells and sets of bells]
  14. bells
Scope note
Percussion vessels consisting of a hollow object, usually of metal but in some cultures of hard clay, wood, or glass, which when struck emits a sound by the vibration of most of its mass; they are held in position at their vertex, the point farthest from their rim, and their zone of maximum vibration is towards the rim.
Accepted term: 24-Jun-2024