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Phocidae (family)

Identification code: 300310345

Related term/s

Alternative term/s

  • crawling seals
  • earless seals
  • phocids
  • true seal
  • true seals


Scope note:

Family containing 19 species in ten genera, of carnivores that are highly specialized for aquatic life. Characteristics include returning to dry land or pack ice to breed and give birth, lacking external ears, having sleek streamlined bodies, nipples that can be retracted, internal testicles, a penis in an internal sheath, a layer of blubber under the skin, the ability to divert blood to the blubber level to help control their temperature, fore-flippers that are used primarily for steering, and hind flippers bound to the pelvis in such a way that they cannot be moved under the body for walking.

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