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  7. Buddhism
  8. Tibetan Buddhism
  9. Nyingma
Scope note
The second largest school of Tibetan Buddhism, sometimes called the 'old order.' It traces its roots to the Indian Vajrayana master Padmasambhava (8th century), regarded as the 'second Buddha,' and claims to transmit his original teachings. The school's origins are in the first diffusion of Buddhism from India and Central Asia to Tibet in the 8th and 9th centuries. Nyingma became a distinct order in the 10th century. The school emphasizes religious practice and the mystical aspects of the Vajrayana tradition over scholarly work, and includes shamanistic practices and local divinities borrowed from the indigenous Bon religion. Some of the school's ideas are considered heretical by later teachings of Tibetan Buddhism.
Accepted term: 03-Jun-2024